prawta annez.
storyboards - latest work 🔒
storyboards - past work
storyboards - personal
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visual dev + illustrations
life drawing
'Towels' (2018)
about & contact

In plain sight. 2020

In plain sight. 2020
visual dev + illustrations.
More can be found here:
In plain sight. 2020

Seeing colours. 2020

Seeing Colours

When she was young, she was given her colours. A famillar mix of orange and yellows.

Off she went, with her own little mix. An almost orange but not quiet yellow.

She travelled far and travelled wide. She travelled low and travelled high.

She bumped into another guy. A fellow friend with a bit of blue, a bit of blue she never could buy.

Off again they went, to search for more colours. To see the world unknown. To see through eachother's colours.

Soon they were found, by a friend with a little red. A little red that was so bright, it brought blue and yellow delight.

It was soon time to go home, but not a tear was shed. For she now had new friends and best of all, so many new colours. A bit of red, a bit of blue. As well as a wonderful mix of two.
Summer explorations. 2020

First Kiss. 2020.
Can you tell what film I was watching when I made this. 2020.

A little homage to my favourite childhood books. 2020

The city.

The halls.

The room.
Catch a falling star. 2020.

Summer of 2019.

Flight. 2018

2017 & 2019.

Digital painting exploration. 2018

The Soul and The Monster. Digital Painting. 2016